


Hmm I am so tired in my body right now .. Right now I am actually baking a cake for my school class. It smells extreemly good. Too bad I have to wait until tomorrow before I can eat it haha!Well today it's actually my birthday, and it has been absolutely fantastic so far! Yesterday I travelt with my dad to an island called Ærø, to see him play (he plays in a band) and then in the last set (where it was so late that it was November 7), they played a birthday song to me.. It was so touching, although I was wildly shy because the whole room turned and looked at me, and there were 420 people .. haha that is 840 eyes!! Anyway, my dad and I stayed at a hotel and then we got up early the next day (or it was the same day..) to travel home. When I got home, I celebrated my birthday with my family, and got a lot of great gifts. Emong other a pink suitcase! It was really nice, and I have had a really nice and unforgettable day. 
Now I am going to check the bus times, so I can come in school to time!

Love Nina<3

2 kommentarer:

  1. HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Cute leggings and scarf =)

  2. Belated birthday greetings!
    Lovely outfit and it seems like a really great birthday! :)
